12 Laws of Life by Richard Del Connor
12 LAWS OF LIFE — To Achieve Your Full Capability Inspired by the 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson, Richard was motivated to write a book about how to be a man instead of a Psychologist Patient.
Richard Del Connor is an award-winning screenwriter, novelist, poet, scientist and record producer. His books range from Taoism to a novel about a drug runner in 1969, to poetry books about philosophy. He also writes under the pseudonyms:
12 LAWS OF LIFE — To Achieve Your Full Capability Inspired by the 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson, Richard was motivated to write a book about how to be a man instead of a Psychologist Patient.
7 Days in NoHo HARDCOVER / PAPERBACK During 2016 Richard Del Connor was performing as Kung Fu Cowboy in his last concerts with his electric guitar. Soon he would become “Richard Del Connor Philosopher Poet,” and then “Buddha Z the Buddhist Rapper.”
16,000 word poem plus a bunch of other poems that were performed by #RichardDelConnor the #PhilosopherPoet in 2018 and 2019 while he lived in the North Hollywood Homeless Shelter. Funny stuff! Coyote In A Graveyard NoHo
Here’s the pioneer podcast of American Zen featuring Richard Del Connor as The Hippy Coyote in 2006.
Coyote wrote this song, “No, It Wan’t A Dream,” as his ex-wife drove off after an afternoon of love.
The Hippy Coyote (pseudonym of Richard Del Connor). BLOG of CoyoteRadio.TV. Shaolin Records has several different holidays to tie in with its record releases. American Zen’s LAST ALBUM RELEASE: End Of The Line was July 4, 2014. In 2014 I was living out of my car, but spending all day at my office, the Carl’s …
The Coyote says: We’re Gonna Launch Website July 4, 2020 Read More »
Rich Connor complains about his homeless struggles and trying to succeed with his website online enterprises for six years.
Coyote’s birthday, February 4, started with a jam that became a song that became a video when he recorded writing the song, “My Birthday Song.”
Coyote Radio TV is being built for release in 2020. Stay tuned!!! Dismiss