Song Single COVER IMAGE "3rd Degree Master Mason" by American Zen


“3rd Degree Master Mason” song by American Zen RELEASED TODAY by Shaolin Records.

I was a Freemason for 8 years.  Actually, I am a Freemason.  I am a rogue mason.  Every Freemason is assigned a “Lodge” to register and participate in meetings and ceremonies.  When you move to a new city, you register at a local lodge.  Some cities have many to choose from.  If you move to another state you must have proper papers and recommendation from the previous state’s ‘GRAND SECRETARY’ and not have been kicked out of any lodge.

There is quality control in modern Freemasonry.  But this 21st Century is not like the 20th Century Freemasonry.  Although the ceremonies, oaths and graduations remain the same per each state of the USA, it’s the members who create the identity of Freemasonry.  Just like any corporation or even our own government.  The laws don’t define the government as much as the people running the government create it’s identity.

This picture was taken after I completed and passed the infamous “3rd Degree” ritual.  I had been blindfolded for an hour.  You will also notice that I’m wearing a black bandana.  I made a “Hippy Vow” in 1984 when I was working a Union Carpentry Job at the LAX airport for a year.  I vowed to ‘never wear a watch or suit necktie’ ever again.  So when I joined the Masons and had to wear a tie, and formal suits… I wore a bandana.  Since I am the “Kung Fu Cowboy” I was comfortable with that compromise.  

It took me several years to get to the 3rd Degree.  

#Freemason #Masonry #RichardDelConnor #KungFuCowboy

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